We want to reinforce road safety with some advice for short journeys that take place at destination, routes that, unfortunately, are the most dangerous during this summer period
Today the August long weekend begins, one of the operations of the year with the highest volume of traffic in a few days, in which more than 8.5 million trips are expected, according to the DGT. It is a date on which the trips due to the change of fortnight coincide, with those that end and begin the holidays, to which are joined the journeys for the celebration of thousands of local festivals in cities and towns of Spain. This fact will cause millions of vehicles to circulate on secondary roads, the most dangerous, where we cannot let our guard down.
To the general recommendations that we have launched from the Erum Group on the occasion of trips in summer, which you can find here, we want to reinforce road safety with some advice for short journeys that take place at destination, routes that, unfortunately, are the most dangerous during this summer period.
Stay focused on short journeys
Many times these are known roads, which we usually travel frequently, and we assume more risk. At this time of year we can find vulnerable users, or more traffic, so we must exercise caution.
Increase the safety distance with other users
On secondary roads we can find pedestrians, cyclists, animals (cattle, users on horseback…) that unexpectedly force us to slow down. When overtaking them, remember to leave the necessary margin (1.5 meters) so as not to cause a dangerous situation.
You can no longer overtake exceeding the maximum speed allowed
Remember that there is no longer a margin of 20 km/h to overtake another vehicle on secondary roads.
Behind the wheel, alcohol and drugs ZERO
In many localities their festivals are celebrated… It doesn’t matter the route, if it’s a few kilometers, or if the amount of alcohol is low, or if we think we’re good enough to drive. If we drink, or are under the influence of drugs, you should never, under any circumstances, drive. And neither should we get into the car of someone who is in this situation.
Carry more occupants than authorized
Although the route is very short, we cannot carry more passengers than those authorized for the vehicle, and everyone must use the restraint systems.
Respect the rules
Do not take risks and drive in a relaxed way. There will be many vehicles on the move in a few days. Do not exceed the speed limits, since, in addition, surveillance on the roads is reinforced these days, with special operations on these secondary roads.
In the event of a breakdown or incident, signal your position and protect yourself
If you have to stop your vehicle on the road, try to do it in a safe and risk-free place. Before getting out of the vehicle, activate the V16 Traffic Light to signal your position, and if you have to get out of the car to put on the emergency triangles, put on your reflective vest inside the car and protect yourself behind the road protection system until assists arrive.
Remember…Short journeys are the most dangerous
Even if you know the route well, or you make short trips, three out of four fatalities on the road occur on these secondary roads. Don’t let your guard down, and enjoy the bridge.