The fashion show, which will be held at AITEX and where the young designer from the Valencian Community will be chosen, has already reached capacity.
Today the second edition of Alcoy Fashion Week began, the inauguration took place in the Alzamora Shopping Center, led by Alex Cerradelo, Second Mayor, Lorena Zamorano, Councilor for Tourism, Coral Erum, CEO of America and Asia of the Erum Group, and Vicente Blanes, General Director of Aitex.
At the same time, the two exhibitions located in the Alzamora Shopping Center have been inaugurated, on the second floor, that of the finalist works for the ANDE Awards for the Best Young Designer of the Valencian Community and, on the first floor, that of the Tutto Piccolo Competition for the students of the Art and Design School of Alcoy.
The activities, in which great figures from the world of fashion such as Jesús María Montes-Fernández, Gervasio Pérez, Nuria Sardá, Alejandro Gómez Palomo and Sergio de Lázaro will participate, are already close to full capacity.
Registrations for the different activities scheduled throughout the week already indicate the success of participation in this second edition, in which the gala catwalk, which this year has doubled its capacity, is already complete, increasing the waiting list. For their part, the rest of the activities have few places available.
Coral Erum explained that “fashion week in Alcoy seeks to consolidate, involving the city, because Alcoy has talent, it has industry and with Fashion Week we contribute to putting it on the map.”
La CEO de América y Asia del Grupo Erum ha añadido que “este año es especial para nosotros, porque el Grupo Erum cumple nada menos que 85 años, y estamos muy orgullosos de coorganizar esta semana, basada en valores que se integran en nuestra visión, promoviendo la sostenibilidad”.
Programming of the second edition
For the second edition of Fashion Week, different activities have been scheduled to bring fashion, sustainability and recycling closer to society and, especially, to future generations.
For this, different workshops, talks and round tables have been scheduled between May 27 and 30, which will have the presence of great figures from the world of fashion such as Jesús María Montes-Fernández, Gervasio Pérez, Nuria Sardá, Alejandro Gómez Palomo and Sergio de Lázaro among others, with the culmination of this Fashion Week being the fashion show on May 31 at the new AITEX facilities, in which, with the help of ANDE, the young designer from the Valencian Community will be chosen who will participate in a national contest representing our region.